The building is born out of two clear inspirational motifs. On the one hand, the circular geometry is a clear take on the volcanic landscape. The Cafe thus takes the basic shape of the circles and fragments of circles that can be seen in an aerial view of the volcanic landscape. On the other hand, the vernacular Icelandic architecture is the basis chosen to define its A-frame section, its structural logic and the materials employed. For this reason the Cafe is really nothing but a modern take on the Nordic Hall, an architectural type so attached to these latitudes that is forever integrated in the mental image we all have of the Icelandic culture.
This type of construction is not only a cultural reference. The use of timber and its capacity to ‘sit’ on the ground without major foundations notably reduce the carbon footprint that would result of its construction. The building is shaped to maximise the intake of the scarce sunlight throughout all seasons of the year. The abundant geothermal energy present in Iceland will be easily harnessed to heat the building itself and the hot water pond.